Sunday, March 18, 2007

First Spring Outing

Mama has been planning an outing for us to find the first signs of springs for a few weeks. However, spring has waited a little while to start so it wasn't until this weekend that my family got to go outside for the very first time. Mama was visiting her mother, so she packed all of us carefully into a sewing basket. Ms. Merriweather called it cozy, but I called it crowded. At least we were headed toward an adventure, crowded or not.

We started our search in grandmama's backyard. There were plenty of signs of Spring! Betsy, Nim, Hitty Rowan and I decided to climb up in a bush full of blooms. Elrond helped us. Ms. Merriweather was a bit worried at first, but she finally believed we were really not high enough for a tumble that would actually hurt.

Next, we all piled into our travel basket again to go to the park. The park is called "Mammoth Cave" because there are a lot of very large caves in it. People can go on tours of the caves, but we didn't get to do that. We DID, however, get to explore the forest.

In the forest, we saw a nice log to sit on for a rest. It was covered with green moss, a sign that spring is on its way.

A little bit further up the forest trail, we came to railing that overlooked the river. We sat there for a moment, although Ms. Merriweather and Elrond held on to us to make sure none of us fell. It was a bit scary being up that high!

After we went further up the trail, we decided it was time for a picnic. We stopped beside some lovely daffodils. Elrond said we musn't pick any because it would be selfish. Many people should get to enjoy the blooms, not just a few. Nim found one already spent blossom lying on the ground. She enjoyed looking at it close up for a bit, then carefully placed it on the ground again before leaving.

The best part of the trip came as we were leaving the park. We saw a deer!

After we got back to grandmama's house, it was time to pile in our basket for the trip home. Our adventure was exciting, but it was good to be back in our house. We were so exhausted, we took a long nap!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Arrival of a New Sister

When I last wrote, I was waiting for a new sister to arrive. I was getting curious about her, but I was still worried about having another doll exactly my size in the family.

Even though Ms. Merriweather said there was enough love and attention for both of us, I couldn't help but wonder if my family might end up liking my new sister a little better than me. Maybe she would be smarter than me, or more ladylike, or just....better.

Another part of me was worried my new sister might be mean. I have read books about dolls that were perfectly happy until a new addition moved in and ruined everything. I really hoped that wouldn't happen to me and my family. A rather naughty part of me wondered if perhaps Betsy's box might accidently get sent to another family. A family that would take good care of her, just...not my family. I gave up that kind of naughty wish yesterday when mama came home and found a notice in the mail box. My new sister was waiting at the post office and mama would pick her up tomorrow. I could hardly sleep last night wondering and worrying. I wondered if my new sister was lonely in the post office and I worried that everything I was afraid of might come true.

Mama came home at lunch today carrying a small box. She didn't have time to open it, so she left it in the care of Ms. Merriweather. When Ms. Merriweather opened the box, I saw my new sister, Betsy, for the first time.

She didn't look mean. She looked kind of helpless all tied up in her box. Ms. Merriweather said she was tied up in the box so she wouldn't get thrown around and hurt in the mail. be in a box since 2001, wearing the same dress for years, and tied up on top of that...well, I guessed it was a good thing she was fast asleep and had probably been that way for quite some time.

When Ms. Merriweather finished untying Betsy, she took her upstairs and put her on her new bed.

She decided to wait with Betsy until she woke up so Betsy would not be alone and frightened in her new home. Ms. Merriweather said it was important for Betsy to have peace and quiet right now, so she sent me and Nim downstairs to stay with Elrond.
He read us a story. I always enjoy hearing Elrond read and I wondered if my new sister might like that too.

After the story, it was time for my harp lesson. I love music and I'm learning to play the harp and piano. Nim prefers the guitar. I wondered which one would be Betsy's favorite, or if she would prefer to learn something entirely new.

While I practiced with Elrond, Nim did some homework.

A little later, I went upstairs to sit with Nim. I heard Ms. Merriweather talking softly to someone just above us. I supposed Betsy had woke up.

After a little while longer, Ms. Merriweather came downstairs leading a scared, shy looking little girl. She called me over to introduce us. Betsy didn't say much, but she smiled at me very nicely, then hung her head. I thought about how hard it must be for her to come to this new family. In fact, she was probably very worried about us liking her. And, she probably wondered if I was going to be mean to her just as much as I worried about her being mean to me. I guessed this was rather difficult for both of us, so I decided to try to be as nice as possible to my new sister.

Ms. Merriweather asked me to take Betsy to Elrond's office and introduce her. On the way, I told her about the wonderful stories Elrond told and all about how fun music lessons were. Betsy said she would really like to learn music...if there was time for Elrond to teach her too. I felt sorry for her again. She looked worried that maybe there wouldn't be time for Elrond to teach her too. He assured her there was plenty of time for both of us to learn, and that perhaps we would even like to take lessons together. We could learn to play duets. That sounded like fun to both of us!

Next, we went to visit Hitty Rowan. What fun! We had hot chocolate, popped some popcorn, and roasted marshmallows over her fire. After that, we played in our room until it was time for dinner.

Betsy and I talked a lot more over dinner. Even Nim, who usually doesn't say much, joined in occasionally. I told Betsy we were going to get to go on a fun trip in two weeks. She was very excited! We will both get new play clothes before then, and we talked about our favorite colors. Mine is pink, and Betsy's is green or yellow. Nim likes all colors, so she is never hard to please. Betsy and I hoped our play dresses would be in our favorite colors.

Finally, it was time for bed. Betsy and I were getting along so well, we stayed up whispering until Ms. Merriweather came upstairs and told us it was time to go to sleep. She said we would have plenty of time to talk tomorrow. I went to sleep thinking how glad I am to have Betsy as my new sister!

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Hello. My name is Merilwen. I am a small doll who shares a cottage with my person (mama) and my doll family and friends. My doll family lives in a cabinet of our very own in the cottage. I will tell you all about that in a minute. But first, let me tell you more about myself and my family.

This is me, Merilwen, and my pet monkey, Tinker:

I like to look out the window sometimes. There are children in the neighborhood who play and ride their bikes past when the weather is nice. Sometimes, I wish I could join them, but I am only a small doll and would get quite lost in the Outside world on my own.

I actually have to be rather careful in the Inside world. I can't look out the window without Strict Supervision due to the Very Big Cat and Dangerous Dogs.

This is the Very Big Cat.

I would be more afraid if my mama wasn't nearby in case of a mishap. The Very Big Cat has a surprising taste for resin (which is what I am made of). Just ask my big sister, Eilonwy. Fortunately, she has recovered from a rather unfortunate run in with the Very Big Cat before its preference for resin was discovered.

These are the Dangerous Dogs. I am really glad mama is very close by again.

Perhaps they do not look very dangerous to you. But then, perhaps you are not a Very Small Doll.

Now, let me introduce my family. Here is our house:

It is a full house, and the adult dolls can't really stand up without bumping their heads, but despite that, we are very happy in our home.

This is Nim, short for Nimrodel, my sister. She is a fairy. She even has pointed ears, except you can't see them for her rather unruly hair. Nim really doesn't say a whole lot and prefers to daydream or gaze out the window, lost in her own thoughts.

This is our governess, Ms. Merriweather.

She is a Victorian English governess, kind of like Mary Poppins. Nim and I love her, but she really does insist on "civilized" behavior. I don't always particularly feel like being civilized. But, I also don't particularly feel like being banished to my room if I am in an "uncivil" mood, so I try very hard to mind my manners.

This is my big sister Eilonwy:

She is very kind and quiet. She likes to read a lot.

Last, but certainly not least, is Elrond.

You will know about him if you have read my mama's favorite book, Lord of the Rings. If you haven't, be brief, he is a very kind, ancient, wise Elven scholar and healer. He is the only doll of his kind here and was lonely. So, he made his office in our home and he teaches Nim and I all sorts of interesting things.

So, that is my family and house.

We also have a neighbor named Hitty Rowan. Here is her house:

It is right next to our cabinet, turned sideways to our home. If we look out, we can see her house at the side of ours.

And here is Hitty Rowan:

She is a really good friend. Nim and I enjoy visiting her a lot. She lets us have tea with her sometimes.

That is all my family and friends for NOW. I DO have a new "sister" coming this week. A doll named "Tiny Betsy McCall." I am what you call "ambivalent" about her at this point. She has apparently never been removed from her box since 2001. I feel sorry for her, since I wouldn't want to be stuck in a box that long. It must be very boring and rather smothering. On the other hand, I am rather used to being the only doll of my size in my home. I will let you know how her arrival goes. But for now, it is almost my bedtime and I hear Ms. Merriweather calling me to come home. Until next time,
